New perspectives in wound management and treatment
Subject Areas : Wound, Complications and Treatments
Saeed Farzad-Mohajeri
Mahdi ghamsari
Farzad Hayati
1 -
2 - Tehran University
3 -
Keywords: Wound healing, Future, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology,
Abstract :
Wound healing has been a major medical challenge in recent decades and it increase motivation of researchers to develop various therapeutic approaches. Along with the latest developments in science and technology, diverse approaches have been created and improved. Although Traditional management, including wound dressings and skin grafts, is still commonly used in current practice but newer technologies found their roles in wound management, such as using stem cells in skin grafts or combining traditional treatments with anti-bacterial nanoparticles. Various upcoming technologies, such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, stem cell therapy and telemedicine have emerged in recent years and are being used to assist wound healing, or even to replace traditional methods. However, many of these methods still lack assessment by large-scale studies and extensive application. Also, studies should design to explore cost-effectiveness, conveniency and efficacy of them. In this review, authors focus on and summarize recent developments involving hi-tech therapeutic methods that lead to both rapid healing and better cosmetic results.
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