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  • Guide for Authors

    Eltiam (Farsi word meaning healing) Journal is a journal in Persian with both Persian and English abstracts, published by Iranian Veterinary Surgery Association (IVSA). This biannual journal published two times a year with emphasis on review articles that conducted by a guest editor in each issue. Articles uploaded on the journal’s website (www.eltiamjournal.ir) and regards to all publication ethics issues it is available for the public free of charge.

     Area of the Articles:

    Mainly each issue focus on a special aspect of veterinary clinical issues that is conducted by a distinguished professor in related field. In addition to reviews, journal accepts scientific-research and short research articles on veterinary science, including Veterinary surgery, Anesthesia, Diagnostic imaging, Lameness, Epidemiology and Public health, Clinical pathology, Pharmacology, Reproduction, Microbiology, Hematology and Clinical biochemistry, and other related subjects.

    Process of Accepting the Articles

    • Submitting the Articles: The articles should be submitted online via the website of journal at www.eltiamjournal.ir . Authors should avoid sending their articles to the postal and electronic address of the journal.
    • All correspondence concerning any change in the text will be sent to the corresponding author only.
    • Reviewing the Articles: In line with international publication standards, Eltiam Journal is based on peer review and free access and we selected double-blind procedure by three reviewers. Hence neither the author(s) nor the reviewers are aware of each other’s identity.
    • The interval between submitting the article and final decision might last about two to five months.
    • Articles will be reviewed in the "irandoc" matching system.
    • Publishing the articles in Eltiam based on IVSA support is free of charge.


    Instructions for authors:

    • The Articles should be typed in Office Word, in A4 paper size, with a line spacing of 1.5 cm. The Persian texts should be in B Nazanin, size 12 and the English ones in Times New Roman, size 11. The tables and figure (including the images, pictures, etc.) should be minimized (at most eight tables/figures).

    Research Articles: Research articles should not exceed 15 pages (the reference included). They should include the Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Background, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Reference.

    Title Page: This page includes the following:

    • Title: The articles’ titles should be short, clear, and indicative of the article’s contents. In addition, each article should have a Short Running Title. The short running title must not exceed 40 characters.
    • Author’s Name: This must be in both Persian and English. The authors’ workplace has to include the name of the department, faculty, university, city, and country (both in Persian and English). It is necessary to add the authors’ phone number, mobile number, fax number, email and Researcher ID (ORCID) for further correspondence.

    Abstract: The abstract is a brief and comprehensive description of the article’s contents. This section must indicate the works done as well as the results obtained by itself so that the reader will not be forced to read the text for comprehension.

    • Both Persian and English abstracts has to comply with the pattern, mentioned in Volume 75, Issue 1 (Year 2020-21) onwards. It should have study Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
    • The Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions should be present in the English Abstract as well.
    • Persian and English abstracts must not exceed 350 words.
    • The texts of Persian and English abstracts must be coincident.
    • At the end of the abstract page, Persian and English keywords (5 keywords) should be written. If possible, it is better to have different keywords than the words, used in the article’s title. The keywords are not recommended to be names of cities and countries.
    • In case of using abbreviations in the abstract, on the first use the complete name, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses, should be given.

    Introduction: This section presents the problem under research as well as the researcher’s purpose for the research work or reporting it. Hence, the introduction should feature research background briefly along with their relation with the current article’s topic. At the end, the motivation behind the conducted work has to be indicated as well. It is necessary to mention the goal of the current study at the end of the introduction.

    Materials and Methods: This section must name all the tools and devices, used specifically for the research, and the author should avoid mentioning general laboratory substances and devices. As for specific substances and devices, the author has to mention the name of the company, producing them, as well as the relevant city and country. The methodology should be presented in a way that it will be possible for other researchers to conduct it again. Briefly, it should indicate the way and the process of the conducted work. The author must avoid mentioning methodologies, previously published in other journals, and must suffice to mentioning the reference only. In case of statistical analysis, the used methods must be mentioned comprehensively, while referring to the valid reference. It is necessary to mention the sample size, number of independent reiterations of each test, and the number of reiterations within each test.

    Results: This section includes the results obtained from a research work. The obtained data and the results must be presented in a logical and useful way to clarify the discussion and the conclusion. Therefore, it could be accompanied by tables, charts, and pictures. The author must be careful to use just one of these, for instance the chart or the table, and not both of them, in order to express a purpose. It is necessary not to give complete description of the tables in the text and only bring the important issues.

    • All reference, used in the text, must be indicated in the article’s index. For those texts, written by one author, use the author’s family name in English like “Smith, 2019”. In case there are two authors for a text, both of their names are written as above. For texts with more than two authors, the reference will be as “Smith et al., 2020” (The name must definitely be in English and the year should be definitely mentioned as Gregorian calendar years). If necessary, the reference number can be indicated at the end of each paragraph. Unpublished papers, congress, conferences, websites, theses, protocols, and SAS Speeches are not acceptable as reference.
    • Tables: When presenting the tables, the author should be aware that that the table lines are not removed, the tables are in Persian, and all cells are from Right to Left. The font for the article’s Persian tables should be B Mitra, Size 10. The numbers inside the tables should be in Persian too. The tables must not exceed one A4 page, and must be drawn in Portrait orientation. They have to be drawn in a way that in order to move from on cell to another, pressing the Tab button will move the cursor from right to left. In order to have a statistical comparison of the tables’ numbers, superscript English letters must be used, appropriately described at the bottom of the table. The tables, themselves, ought to have brief and clear titles, numbered in accordance to their order within the article. The tables must be given in the end of the article’s main file, and the authors should avoid putting them inside the article or in another file altogether.
    • Charts and Pictures: They should be submitted in a separate file in JPEG format with a size of 8*6 and a resolution of 600 dpi. The numbers and the texts inside the pictures and charts have to be in English and completely clear. Numbers and texts inside pictures and charts with no quality must be rewritten in Photoshop. The figures and images are to be numbered underneath in the order they come in the text. The pictures and charts’ titles need to be both in Persian and English. The titles should come at the end of the article’s main file, after the reference, in order and, if possible they must be summarized and brief, though completely clear.

    Discussion: The discussion section must be separate from the results. This section discusses and interprets the obtained results, elaborating and expanding them. Furthermore, the research outcome is discussed in comparison to other researchers’ works. Generally, it mentions the cases that has helped solving the research problem, leading to a conclusion. In the ultimate part of discussion section, the final conclusion is clearly stated.

    Conclusion and suggestions

    Acknowledgment: In this section, the author mentions the guidance and help of others and thanks them briefly. To send the contents of this section, the file for authors’ identifications must be used and this section should not be in the main file.

    Conflict of Interests: In this section, the author needs to mention all financial (including the benefit or the loss from research results) and non-financial connections (like governmental, individual, or occupational connections) that can affect the findings of the research one way or another. In case of no conflict of interest, the following should be mentioned: “The authors faced no conflict of interest in this research.”

    Article Responsibilities:

    The scientific and ethical responsibility of the article belongs to its author(s).

    The responsible author must complete and attach the consent form regarding the accuracy of the submitted information as well as the order of the authors' names.  

    Reference: All reference used should be written in English. The reference list has to be typed in a separate page, the number of which comes after the discussion pages. The reference list should be specified in the order in which they are used in the text and as numbers in parentheses (VANCOUVER). As for Persian sources, their English translation must be given and at the end of the entry it should be added in parentheses: “In Persian”. Using thesis, congresses, conferences, protocols, websites, and SAS speeches are not acceptable in the reference. Half (50%) of the reference need to be new, being written from five years ago onward.

    • As for journal name’s summary, the author could refer to the journal’s text or extract them in abbreviation from Pubmed or Web of Science. At the end of all reference with PMID and DOI, the online link (PMID and DOI) must be given, exactly as the following example:
    • Ghotoorlar SM, Ghamsari SM, Nowrouzian I, Ghidary SS. Lameness scoring system for dairy cows using force plates and artificial intelligence. Veterinary Record. 2012;170(5):126, https://doi.org/10.1136/vr.100429
    • As for books, the authors’ names, subject, the edition number, the place and name of the publisher, pages and the publication year must be mentioned (like the following example):

    Tranquilli WJ, Thurmon JC, Grimm KA. Lumb and Jones' veterinary anesthesia and analgesia: John Wiley & Sons; 2013

    Review Articles:

    Such articles are written by experienced people and experts, who already have sufficient number of articles with that title. The review articles just published based to guest editor selection on special topic of related issue.  Review articles evaluate the results from the author’s previous published works and assesses their strengths and weaknesses. Also some suggestions on improving them in later studies are given. The Eltiam Journal welcomes this type of articles. However, prior to submitting them, the author is contacted about the title and size of the submitted article.

    For such reports the following should be taken into consideration: Persian and English Title, Persian and English Abstract (the study area and explaining the different sections, composing the article, in one sentence, the final conclusion which should be written in present tense, and the article’s goals, which due to the brevity of the article must be mentioned pretty quickly), Persian and English Keywords, Introduction, Main Body or Results, and Final Conclusion.

    Short Research Articles:

    In terms of methodology and composition, this article is similar to research article. Yet, considering the importance and the results obtained from the research, the article is presented to the journal in a compressed way, in 5 pages at most (excluding the reference).

    The following should be considered for such reports: Persian and English Title, Persian and English Abstract, Persian and English Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Reference.

    In case, the article is outside the terms and conditions of the guideline for preparing scientific articles of the journal, prior to presenting to either the editorial board or the reviewers, it will be returned to the corresponding author for correction.